Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Las Vegas

Zach in our not so warm pool on the 25th floor.
We went to Las Vegas for my spring break and birthday. It was a busy few days. It was probably a different Vegas vacation than most people would think because we gambled $3 and came out with $5. Went to bed by 10:30 every night and did not drink any alcohol. Zach was sick the entire time with a cold, so his nose was running and head hurt. He was still a trooper and up for anything as usual. My famous sunglasses picture on the top of our hotel looking at the Stratosphere tower.

Zach and I before Cirque du Soleil show Mystere. It was a phenomenal show. The strength and talent of the performers was unbelievable.

The Atlantis show in Ceasar's Palace. It left much to be desired, but there was a neat aquarium around it.

A guy on the street with his pet snakes trying to make his living letting people pet them.

The ship sinking during the Treasure Island show.

The Treasure Island show outside the hotel "Sirens of TI".

Me at Ceasar's palace before the Carrot Top show, which was a suprisingly very funny and a great show.

The flamingos at the Flamingo hotel.

Zach the flamingo for most of the vacation. The first night we tried to walk between hotels, which is ALOT farther they they look and the rest of the vacation Zach's foot was bothering him.
The hotel New York New York resemble the skyline of New York and was filled with intricate details inside to resemble the streets of New York. Little apartment windows with small fake air conditioners. It was Zach's favorite architecture.

The lionesses at MGM getting their bellies rubbed. There was a man laying down and the other lioness's rump that you can just see his khakis between the lions.

Zach and I each outside the Mirage. They had a beautiful waterfall and pond.

The gondolas outside the Venetian.

Some views of the strip. The top one is from the top of the stratosphere tower and the lower one is from the bridge near Treasure Island.

A contortionist "Maria" at Circus Circus.

The Dogs' Vegas Vacation

The dogsitter we found was amazing! It was a family that lives on a farm with 4 great danes, baby chicks, goats, horses, and cats. The dogs' favorite part where the two boys that lived there and slept with Max and Manny. When we got there one of the boys was hugging manny and the other was rolling around on the ground playing with Max. Here is the great dane puppy that lives there.
Zach was more excited about playing with these dogs than he was about anything else on the vacation. He is holding the same puppy from the top picture.
Zach and one of the great danes with the boy that took care of Max.
The great dane standing next to me and Manny's best friend's arm is in the side of the picture.

Winter Pictures

I have not updated the blog all winter, so I uploaded the pictures we took and will fill you in. This is some of Zach's camera equipment he got sent from IKAN after he won best cinematography in Houston. He got around $2000 worth of video equipment. They have also asked him to do a promo video for a contest they are running. His movie has won around 10 awards at the various film festivals and this weekend his film will be playing at the Omaha Film Festival.
We went to dental prom this year with a group of friends and we both bought new clothes for the event. Zach woke up the morning of the prom and said, "We need to go shopping, I want a skinny tie." So there you have it Zach as stylish as usual and me in my new dress (man I need to get better at posing for pictures!).
We also had a couple of snow days this winter so Manny had fun tormenting Max into playing with him in the snow. (Notice how Manny resembles the joker in this photo.)
This year Zach has become much better at shoveling (from 0 to 1 time the last few years to every other time this year)! YAY! I couldn't be happier! Also notice our Christmas decorations. Those candy canes that Zach is in love with were in our yard until the middle of Feb. frozen into the ground.
We have gone to a recruiting dinner in Omaha for CSB/SJU every year because one of Zach's friends from football is the recruiter for Nebraska. This year one of his friends from film making was one of the servers. It was delicious as usual.